What our patients say about us

During the last 7 years we have treated more than 5000 patients with varicose veins using laser or radiofrequency therapy. Here's just a small sample of the cards, letters and emails we have had from our patients.

Testimonial 1:

My Mother has suffered from varicose veins for many years. She had them stripped some time ago but the condition returned. As I began to have the same problem I was reluctant to have treatment because I knew that the chances of it being successful were slim. But as the pain was becoming worse I consulted my Doctor, who referred me to Mr Singh-Ranger. He explained the laser treatment and I was particularly impressed by the very high success rate. So I decided to have one leg treated; it took place under a local anesthetic and I was able to watch what happened. It was not painful. We talked all the way through it!

I had some bruising afterwards and I walked a lot to get it down. When it had gone my leg was wonderfully smooth. I used to have very restless legs at night but this procedure stopped that as well. I decided to have the other leg treated and am now in the process of walking off the effects. II recommend this treatment. I wish I had known about it earlier and saved myself some years of pain, ugly legs and restless nights. I am looking forward to the warmer weather and wearing shorts again!

Pat - Swindon

Testimonial 2:

Just thought I'd send you this quick email to let you know how pleased I am with the results of the evt on my veins. It has far exceeded any expectations I had ,all I have left now is small red pin pricks which are fading more every day.

It seems hard to believe looking at my legs now, that 3 months ago my legs were covered in hideous thick ropey veins. It is such a shame I didn't take before and after pics. Compared to when I had the veins stripped 12 years ago this procedure was far less painful post op and unlike the stripping where the veins returned with a vengeance I am hopeful this wont happen this time.

I am just off now to enjoy the lovely weather we are having, it's great to be wearing shorts and dresses again rather than hiding under jeans all the time.

This little op has made a big difference. Thanks again.

Testimonial 3:

I noticed a blue vein in the back of my calf which became more visible by the end of the day. My leg began to feel very heavy, and by the evening the vein began to bulge slightly. I also began to experience sharp pains in my calf.

I was initially seen and examined by him, he explained what was wrong and what my options were. After a couple of days, I decided on having treatment.

It has now been 13 days since my operation. I had my veins treated with radio frequency, a small incision was made and my vein was treated through this.

I am extremely pleased with the result, and with how quickly I was able to return to normal activities. The bulging blue vein has disappeared. I experienced no pain, just a slight ache / tightness. I was prescribed pain killers but did not need to take them. I only had to wear the anti embolism stockings on for a maximum of 10 days. I am now left with a small amount of bruising which will disappear, and a little scar which no doubt will fade with time - and is far easier to deal with than the blue bulging vein.

The overall care I received from Mr. Singh Ranger and his team at the Ridgeway hospital and The Shalbourne Suite has been fantastic, at all times I was kept informed of what was happening and I was made to feel at ease. I truly am thankful to him for removing my unsightly vein!

Mrs R.B.

Testimonial 4:

Twenty-two years ago I underwent traditional varicose vein surgery on both legs. I had a family history of varicose veins and leg ulcers, four babies and a career which involved a great deal of standing. The veins on my legs looked like a road map and over the years since surgery, the map has returned! I was also suffering pain, swelling and irritation of the veins. When I heard about the VNUS Closure procedure I was delighted and investigated further.

I can report that following the procedure on one leg in June, I am about to have the procedure repeated on the second leg. The procedure was performed as a day case procedure, under local anaesthetic and with minimal pain or discomfort. I did not need medication for pain relief at any stage following the procedure and I was back at work the next day! I am so pleased with the results and apart from the cosmetic improvement I no longer have pain from the veins in my leg.

I found the whole experience with the Vein Clinic, efficient, informative and friendly.


Testimonial 5:

I took the bandage off my legs this morning and boy do I look goooo- ood!! :) Bruising and pen marks aside, I think you've done a fantastic job! I hadn't realised what a lumbering elephant I had been, now I am a little gazelle! I've had no discomfort either.

Many thanks.


Testimonial 6:

Just to say thank you for taking the time to phone me and to explain about the veins and now I understand how they work.

I am pleased I came to see you, as it is so much more comfortable not wearing the thigh legth compression hose.

From P.T.